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We are working on big things for our youth. 


The organization's goals for helping the youth and the community achieve success include........

Youth Center



Our goal is to open a facility that will be accessible 24 hours a day, 7 days a week. 


This center will provided a safe and welcoming place to go when support is needed and will also be the location for all future indoor events and meetings.


Through the center the foundation will offer transportation to Hillsborough County public and Charter schools, deemed more beneficial to the student. We will work with the family on enrollment, acceptance and planning. 




Through the S.O.A.R. First Foundation, donations from our program sponsors and fundraising events we will offer a $500 scholarship.


Participants are assisted with the scholarship application process, which prepares them for future applications. 


The scholarships are offered to senior participants and will be awarded to the college of their selection toward tuition. 


The number of scholarships offered will be determined annually and approved by the board of directors. 

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